矯正涼鞋 清洗保養教學


請準備:清潔液 cleaning solution / 清水 water / 牙刷 toothbrush

  1. 將少許清潔液加入水中 Add a little cleaning solution to the water.

  2. 攪拌成稀釋清潔液用水 Stir to dilute the cleaning solution with water.

  3. 首先解開涼鞋面帶扣環 First open the sandal buckle.

  4. 攤開後,用手握固定鞋面帶 After opening, hold the sandals.

  5. 牙刷沾取清潔液刷洗涼鞋足弓表面 Toothbrush dip clean fluid, brush sandals insole.

  6. 清水沖洗清潔 或 濕毛巾擦拭清潔 Rinse clean or wet towel to wipe clean.


  1. 請勿浸泡清洗 Do not soak cleaning.

  2. 將清洗後矯正涼鞋置放陰乾,請勿將矯正涼鞋直接曝曬太陽或接近熱源 Sandals placed dry, prohibit direct exposure to the sun and heat.