矯正鞋墊 清潔保養教學


請準備:清潔液 cleaning solution / 清水 water / 牙刷 toothbrush

  1. 將少許清潔液加入水中 Add a little cleaning solution to the water.

  2. 攪拌成稀釋清潔液用水 Stir to dilute the cleaning solution with water.

  3. 從鞋子取出鞋墊沾濕後 Remove the insole from shoes.

  4. 用牙刷沾取清潔液刷洗 Toothbrush cleaning solution, scrub insole.

  5. 刷洗乾淨後 After cleaning is complete.

  6. 直接用水龍頭沖洗乾淨 Rinse directly with faucet.


  1. 請勿浸泡清洗 Do not soak cleaning.

  2. 將清洗後鞋墊置放陰乾,請勿將矯正鞋墊直接曝曬太陽或接近熱源 Insoles placed dry, prohibit direct exposure to the sun and heat.